Monday, September 6, 2010

Recycle Bank

I recently read an article regarding Recycle Bank selling personal information of its consumers....uhh I'm not too sure about that part but what I can say is I LOVE THE PROGRAM.  Recycle Bank has made me want to recycle, Im proud to save all my recycables for trash day and I LOVE THE REWARDS.

As most of you are aware...I love Brown's Family Shoprites and frequently use the one at Parkside.  Recycle bank gives a $5 off coupon (for a $40 or more order) from points earned through recycle bank.

For all of you still living in the dark ages, I tell you this...try to recycle something even if it's a 6 pack of water or sodas.  You will feel good about it.  Not only will you feel good but you will be doing a good thing for our environment while earning nice little prizes.  Hopefully you will begin to recycle more.

Sign Up at

Powerful Women in Love: Eroding Cynicism: Love Isn't Just in Fairytales

Read the article first. Be prepared to comment :)

So I recently read this article after seeing on, Mayor Nutter named a new director of communications.  Naturally, I looked her up to see what she was all about and boy is SHE PHENOMENAL.  I found this blog written for the Huffington Post by Desiree Peterkin Bell.  I loved it.  However, I still struggle with this area in my life.  Let's explore....

I'm a 26 year old homeowner, Masters Degree, no children, good job and more one to share it with.  Now I'm sure you're saying to yourself the same things I commonly hear.  You're still very young, you have time, take your time, enjoy your single life, etc. etc. but this most often comes from the same people who have mates, spouses, children and someone to share their joys, crys and laughter with...

When I was in high school, I made a master plan I recently rediscovered while still unpacking boxes after 2 years of living in my house (only one more box to go).  The plan:  by 32 be married, have 2 kids, have a phd and living in a single house somewhere in Philly. 

Some of you may say that plan is still attainable and I'm quite sure with a lot of hard work it is.  However, at this one can convince me to go back to school unless its on my terms and the married and kids part well does not seem that's realistic either.

When I made the plan, I was 17, ready to start college, never been away from home, never really talked to guys on the phone let alone have a boyfriend. Now, I've finished college, twice, had 3 boyfriends and countless other dates and no signs of a hubby.

I have friends, people I date but no one truly understands me, gets or sees what I really need ...I guess that's why Im writing in this blog.

Back to the article though, I was so inspired after I read it but immediately saddened when I remembered everyone's story is different and my story has been written with so much hurt and pain that I think I will never be beyond all of it.

For all the young professional women, read this article, read it again and read it again....just when you feel like giving up it again.  That's what I plan on doing until some thing promising comes through :)

Welcome to the World of My Alter Ego

Hello World!!! Welcome to my newest adventure: My Alter Ego Blog!!!

In this Blog, I will discuss current topics and events and share with you in a way I normally don't.  You will meet my Alter Ego: Tasha.  yes Beyonce has Sasha or Sasha Fierce but I was named Tasha!

The genesis of the name: My name is a common female name, it means purity. My alter ego is the other side of me that others rarely see....UNTIL NOW.  You will get me and all of me the good, the bad, the cute, the ugly, the side that.... WELL you will see.

Again, welcome to my blog. I'm so happy you decided to stop by for my latest adventure.  Check in will enjoy it :)